Nature is a very curious thing, forget the birds & the bees, this summer it’s all about the ‘birds & the Tweets. Ornithologists say birds are most active early mornings and late afternoons… But can our species out-Tweet them? It’s the humans against the birds in our Bulmers orchard – who will win?
Join the experiment between the hours of 1pm and 2pm Tweet with the hashtag #Bulmers, or alternatively, go to and take part in a series of fun experiments they are running this summer.
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We’re all torn when it comes to 3D, is it worthy or is it just another gimmick that’ll fade away like so many Betamax videos?
Well according to our man here Mick Hocking when it combines with augmented reality games are going to hit some next level shiz.
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I? love Ben Drew, he looks like he’s an East? End heavy who you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley, and then he sings with the voice of an angel. It’s a paradox in motion.
Also the music sounds like it is being performed in your left ear, then the right, then in front & behind you, it’s all over the place with this new Beats Audio technology. Amazing. What next, let me guess, a cat playing a piano….*Wait!?
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If you’re one of the many addicts who suffers from the ‘Blackberry Thumb’, or a cat on the next stage of it’s supreme evolution (and just waiting to develop opposable thumbs) then this gadget’s at the top of your ‘Must-Have’ list.
It has more tricks up it’s sleeve than a crooked politician and aside from doing all the stuff (and more, thank you Flash) that an iPad can perform, it comes with a demonstrator who will break his own fingers just to show you how much he believes in it. Ouch.
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A long time ago, like in the 1980s or something, there was a trailer & it was used to advertise a film. This is the story of that trailer. Not really, this is a bunch of work shy film students trying to make a formulaic action trailer for the movie moguls of L.A.
Will they shake the very foundations of Hollywood? Or will they wish they hadn’t missed half their classes down the bar drinking cheap beer & discussing what you call a Whopper in Paris?
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Could a pair of jeans beat you in an arm wrestle. Probably. Could a ginger kid on a scooter get more chicks than you? Definitely! Here’s a pair of jeans built using space technology are put to the test by a guy flying around on a scooter like a ninja who’s tired of walking places.
The jeans survive, proving they’re stronger than Superman’s bogeys and could definitely have your dad in a fight. And remember, chicks dig heros!
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What would be your dream job? How about designing video games that are exploring new creative possibilities and pushing the medium to its limits? We’re seeing new generations of game designers ripping up the rule book and using their energies and imaginations to stretch the platform’s capabilities.
Gamers who honed their craft as hobbyists and invest their creations with great passion, wit and wonder. And who doesn’t want to play games like that?
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Your first thoughts will be why are these mime artists moving so slowly, have they slipped through a temporal wormhole into another reality where time…ticks…really…slowly? But there’s reason behind their snail-like incremental movements—and it’s not just to freak stoners out.
It’s so you get to watch the world whizzing past them, a bit like Neo in the Matrix, if Neo was in an art collective that looked like a bunch of circus rejects.
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Posted by: wesbo | 03.30.11 |
WTF? |