Forget old-skool photobombing, it’s sooo last month and passe! Todays uber PB’er is pushing the envelope and taking it to a whole new level!
However, it takes years of practice and dedication to reach this status…..Fear him, for he is a god!
It definitely looks like all those years of ninja photobombing training have truly paid off!
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So there I was minding my own outside the British seat of power, when I heard the distant but unmistakable roar of a Formula One motor.
No? It can’t be! Holy crap I thought, and turned on my camera and there it was coming to a pit stop right on Parliament Square – The Red Bull F1 car driven by Mark Webber. WTF!?
Since when have the streets of London been a race track? This isn’t Monaco. And then like that it was gone.
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No doubt you have so much talent you’re overwhelmed by it, leaving you an inert slob stagnating in front of a computer screen. Well it’s time to stand proud and show the world the creative slob you really are.
If you can juggle rice while playing the banjo with your teeth, the world needs to see it. It’s imperative to everybody’s well being, especially yours.
So do your thing, record it and send it in. Unlike your physical health, don’t let your talents go to waste.
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Now this is the sort of sport I could really get into, I don’t want to see grown men kicking an evolved pig’s bladder about a field while they dive and prance about like a bunch of ballerinas.
Who gives a sh#t? I want to see gorgeous women shaking their soccer balls. Goal!
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And on the 8th day God created Ham. There was no particular reason for this in his mind other than to satisfy his desire to feel superbly smug when ever a mere mortal attempted to play it.
For God knew it would drive ordinary man mad and result in pain, humiliation and plenty of fail – For this made God happy, you see, it’s the little things that really please a divine spirit!
Anyway, it’s a bloody weird name for a fustratingly addictive game ! (I managed to get 1990 cm)
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This is what every man needs in his life to save him from the horror of cold leftover take-away – could this be the perfect live-in partner?
It would certainly make any bachelor’s life easier, no need to cook any more because it’ll all be done for you!
I think I’m in lurve…
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Pure meme genius in motion!
I’m feline this. Possibly the greatest photo ever shooped. Possibly.
I came, i saw, now i can die happy!
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This is an interesting short film by Ramin Bahrani, about a plastic bag and its epic journey across the barren landscapes of America searching for its maker.
But this isn’t just any plastic bag, not like the ones that douche from American Beauty was filming.
No, this plastic bag has the voice of filmmaker Werner Herzog.
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