Philomena Cunk is a brilliant comic creation whose naivete and all round idiocy makes her the ideal candidate to host Moments of Wonder.
The segment from Brooker’s Weekly Wipe looks at various historical figures or events, as Cunk struggles to come to grips with the subject matter, explaining it in her uniquely befuddled way. Genius.
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Normally, public information films are pretty dry and generally no one listen to whatever message they’re trying to say.
But it’s hard to ignore this one from Australia that warns of the dangers of consuming beer and swimming—it’s a manic, twisted nightmare ride that will put you off drinking for life.
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The guys behind 90s-style FPS video game Strafe are seeking funds on Kickstarter.
So they released this ridiculous yet awesome trailer in the hyped style of the 1990s and it’s so OTT it’s amazing.
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It’s the most Australian of Australian catchphrases, but how difficult is it to say it?
It seems it’s incredibly difficult when people from various countries are asked to to repeat ‘G’Day Mate! How You Going?’ in an Australian accent. Mate.
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Dawkins wryly calls it “charitable correspondence” and by that he means hate mail from the people that hate him most.
And for people of God these fundamentalists certainly aren’t afraid to use abusive blue language—which makes their threats and virtriol read out like this even more funny.
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If Saturday Night Live hadn’t done a parody of those nauseating Justin Bieber Calvin Klein ads, there would have been a controversy.
But fortunately for everyone they did— Kate McKinnon plays Bieber as a hilariously immature idiot, running around like an excited child in this brilliant spoof.
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So you’re moving into a new home with your girlfriend, exciting times!
But then, when you’re asked to grab a box from the boot of her car, you discover something terrifying. Something inexplicable…
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Ever wondered why your newsfeed is full of cat videos and babies? Probably because you’ve brought it on yourself.
Short film ‘Why Do I Even Try’ by Shock and Awe explores the consequences of our fickle nature and how we act online.
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