To you it’s just your bed, but to your cat it’s a grooming salon, napping area, and meditation chamber all rolled into one. And the toilet? Well that’s free entertainment.
This is the difference between what we humans see and what our cats see—so bear all this in mind next time you’re sat on the throne wondering why your cat’s staring at you.
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What happens when Santa gets caught short in a stranger’s house while he’s delivering presents and needs to drop a couple of friends off at the pool?
Let’s just say he doesn’t get to use the bathroom in peace, as the kids of the house start wondering what that terrible stench is.
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If you were wondering why open world games are some of the best, then look no further than this video.
A players leaves his car sitting in the middle of the road while he leaves the room to get some food—and while he’s gone the onscreen action descends into anarchy, shouting and eventually flames. Brilliant.
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Penalty shootouts are tense and dramatic, but this shootout between Yale Bulldogs and the North Carolina Tar Heels has to be one of the most dramatic ones ever.
Because it’s not every shootout that involves a goalkeeper ending it looking like he’s just done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson, but this one does.
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As a reflection of how ridiculous we all look staring at our phones at the dinner table, here is people doing the same thing but in the early 20th century.
Back then the phones were more cumbersome, the accents posher, and you had to be careful you weren’t going to miss a call from the Titanic.
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A recent viral video showed a woman claiming that Monster energy drinks were the work of the devil, finding hidden Satanic symbols in the logo.
But it turns out she was wrong, it isn’t just Satan who’s behind the drinks but a whole bunch of different shady organisations. Thankfully the truth has finally surfaced.
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Touring can seem glamorous, but the reality is far from it—instead it’s lot of lonely nights in a Travelodge at the backend of nowhere.
Kunt, from Kunt and the Gang, recalls those nights spent in your hotel room wishing that your only comfort wasn’t your right hand.
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South Park used a rare piece of live-action footage in its show recently, to take aim at those please drink responsibly ads.
The hilarious spoof commercial featured on the “Freemium Isn’t Free” episode, which satirized the not-so free-to-play mobile games designed to swindle the masses for cash.
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