Two well known proverbs are the basis for this sketch featuring Simon Pegg in 90s comedy show “Big Train”.
Pegg plays a know-it-all employee who’s “committed to cakes” but finds himself get singled out when he suggests an alternative way to describe what his boss calls “warmed through cakes” selling extremely well.
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If you’ve seen the new John Lewis Christmas ad and it’s made you sick to your stomach at how saccharine it is, this should be the perfect antidote.
It translates what Monty, “the randy little penguin”, was really thinking—it’s just a shame John Lewis won’t run this spoof version instead.
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If you were looking for a prime example of how the US and UK media differ, then this is it.
Russell Howard contrasts the two country’s news coverage of the disease and the results are quite alarming.
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You know how awkward it looks when you snap a photo of your buddy with their arm round a girl and there’s the dreaded hover hand? Ugh.
Well now Photoshop have come to the rescue with an, erm, handy tool that eradicates that scourge of nerds everywhere.
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YouTube channel Offkey World are back with a sketch that looks at what happens when an armed robber forgets what he went in the shop for.
Hey, we’ve all been there—and usually just like this guy it ends with you leaving with a packet of Space Raiders.
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Summer is the season of frivolity and fun and getting drunk in a park and waking up with regrets. Or at least one regret, lying next to you.
But winter? Well no such frivolity—or is there? Maybe, so you need to be careful out there because that girl you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with, she just wants someone to hug through the cold winter and no more.
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Landline telephones, surely they’ll be obsolete pretty soon because no one but telemarketers—and possibly your gran—uses them any more.
Relish broadband decided to find out just how irrelevant they are and took to the streets of London waving a £50 note around, offering it up to anyone who could dive into their mind and come back with their landline number.
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Strangely, there is such a thing as having sex sober—yeah it sounds bizarre but it does happen. Allegedly.
And this sketch from College Humor shows a couple deciding to have sex sober, and what a big deal that is. Weirdoes.
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