The new Hunger Games movie hits theatres soon, and it looks like Katniss Everdeen is taking out all the competition.
From Ned Stark to Indiana Jones, Katniss has got such badass aim she can hit characters from other fictional universes.
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So, Norman Reedus plays a hardass zombie-slaying mofo who can use a crossbow like it’s one of his limbs.
But that doesn’t necessarily equate to him being a natural in real-life, far from it. Norman, I am disappoint.
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Brock Baker is the Man of a kajillion billion zillion voices, and shows off his party trick in this video.
In just 3 minutes he manages to run through 18 characters from the TV show Family Guy, like a boss.
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Arnie and the director of Conan The Barbarian are possibly the greatest double act since Tom & Jerry.
This video runs through some of their most lol-worthy moments from the DVD commentary they provided for Conan.
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With the help of some bad lip reading, the world of TV show Game of Thrones is transformed into Medieval Land Fun-time World.
And theme park manager Eddie Stark has one week to whip his lackluster group of employees into shape before the park’s grand opening.
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With The Walking Dead having just returned to our screens with season 4, it’s the perfect time for recollection.
So if you want a quick rundown of what’s been going on previously, and you’re an idiot, then this guide was made for you.
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Let the nerd within you grin from ear to pointed ear as this video takes you on a speed tour of some of the finest cosplayers at London’s recent Comic Con.
From Predator to Teenwolf, there’s even a really, really good Noel Clarke costume — no wait, hang on, that is Noel Clarke.
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“It’s not who you are underneath. It’s what you do that defines you.” So said Katie Holmes in Batman Begins and here is someone doing just that.
It doesn’t matter that he’s a dad underneath that mask, he acts like an annoying troll to his family and that’s why the internet loves him.
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