Sure, it’s a simple concept and the humor is pretty base, but you’re guaranteed to lol at some point in this video.
And it also takes some great skills to remove the head of an actress without disrupting the scene too much. So there’s that.
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Suddenly Lord Vader doesn’t seem quite so menacing when he sounds as camp as a field of tents.
In this clip Vader gets the voice of Kenneth Williams and Star Wars becomes a bit of a Carry On.
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Yep, they finally went and did it, they finally went and made a movie about Lego.
It took them a long time to cash in on this, but by the looks of things, it’s going to be worth torrenting.
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With Father’s Day just behind us, most of us spent the day thanking our dads for being awesome.
Unless of course you were the fictional spawn of one of these bad movie dads, in which case you probably spent the day wishing they weren’t so evil.
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Everyone loves Game of Thrones, geek and non-geeks alike, but most of us discovered it through HBO rather than George R. R. Martin.
And the guy in this video has issues with that, he’s tired of the bandwagoners claiming it as their own and he’s not afraid to tell people.
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A compilation of Hollywood movie dance scenes provides the visual fun to this mashup tribute set to Men Without Hats’ “The Safety Dance” UK remix.
That means you can relive some of favourite (and not so favourite) Hollywood dance moments — and then try it at home.
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First there was Pitch Black, then, realizing they had a potential money spinner on their hands there came The Chronicles of Riddick.
And now, assured that they had a cow that could be milked for cash, comes the next installment: Riddick. However, it’s a cow i really wanna go see.
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Everyone’s favourite fictitious postman decides to kill his cherished black and white cat.
But he doesn’t get away with pet murder that easy, as after he does a Stephen King plot comes to get him.
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