The kids of Strangers Things are coming back and it’s suitably going to be in time for Halloween—the Upside Down is also back and Will seems to be having some weird side effects still too.
All this and more is hinted at in the trailer for season 2, which looks likes it going to be just as good, if not better, than the first season.
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Pablo Escobar is one of the most notorious drug kingpins the world has ever know, which is what made Netflix series Narcos so compelling.
But while his story has now been told, it doesn’t mean the show’s run is over as this trailer indicates.
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In this prologue to the upcoming Ridley Scott alien sequel Alien: Covenant we’re invited to meet the crew of the Covenant colony ship in this official Last Supper preview clip.
The five-minute footage sees the team, led by captain James Franco, a final supper before they enter cryosleep on their journey across the galaxy. And, most likely, wake up and die at the hands of an alien xenomorph.
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We all remember those classic lines and scenes from popular culture, like “Mirror, mirror, on the wall.” Well, the thing is, you think you remember them but they get misconstrued.
For instance “Mirror, mirror…” is actually “Magic mirror”—that and other misremembered lines are recalled correctly in this Cracked video that should ensure you’re the smuggest of all your friends.
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The Nerdwriter’s latest video essay uses scenes from Paul Thomas Anderson’s 2012 movie The Master to illustrate how the religion of Scientology functions.
One scene in particular explains how the psychological manipulation of the cult religion is done, one of the film’s best scenes, the initial audit between Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix.
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After fan theories have abounded for years about how the Pixar movies all take place in the same universe, finally Disney have offered proof.
This compilation shows all the various easter eggs hidden in each film that link each one to the other, from Toy Story to the most recent release Finding Dory, it rounds up all of the slyly placed signs that have been right under our noses.
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Many Star Wars fans may hate Revenge of the Sith but with a few dialogue edits it can go from abysmal to deep fried comedy gold.
That’s been made possible by this reverse-translation of a Chinese bootleg and the dedication of YouTuber GratefulDeadpool who’s dubbed a crap movie into something entirely entertaining.
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Hollywood, of course, has long been the benchmark for cinematic excellence, but that’s not to say there haven’t been any imitators like classic foreign rip-offs and remakes the Turkish Rambo, Nigerian Titanic, and Korean Tron.
But most famous of all these is Çetin İnanç’s The Man Who Saves the World’ aka Turkish Star Wars—film historian Ed Glaser shares the story behind the film and the rediscovery of this cult classic.
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