We’ve all seen the space saga that helped kickstart the summer blockbuster phenomenon, we all know who’s in it; some droids, some darkside, a little bit of Force, and talking aliens, lots of. But it never sounded as much fun as when it’s retold by this guy’s friend Amanda. She’s amazing.
In her epic retelling Chewie becomes a deformed Ewok, in a plot that involves counsellor puppet masters, farmers, people getting killed, bar planets, brown muppets and big robots and stuff. She’s so close, but also so far, far away.
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You may think Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone are the best of friends; a couple of normal, stone age buddies who like to hang out and drink beer and fart.
But don’t get on the wrong side of Barney, because he’s an aggressive little badass when he wants to be. He’ll turn ugly quick as look at you.
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Less Darth Vadar, more Darth Gaydar as the mincing Carry On legend becomes the voice of the the leader of the dark side.
Obviously he doesn’t come across as quite so threatening, but it does mean he’ll be able to say things like “Oh, be-haaayyy-ve” and throw in innuendos about purple lightsabers at every opportunity.
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“What goes on in this town is none of your busnee – ” “As long as I’m living here it is” “Well then maybe you shouldn’t be living HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!” Bron-holm, the man, the legend, shows why he’s the most sought after actor of his generation.
Forget Olivier, forget Burton, forget Gielgud, Bro-ho hit the heights of the finest acting the world will ever see in this scene from the great movie Taffin. All other actors may as well hang up their coats and go home, because they’ll never reach the zenith of his brilliance. Never!
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Holy glittering vampire penises! This girl’s reaction to the trailer is an epic journey fraught with emotion — and this is just the trailer. Just imagine what she’ll be like in the cinema? She’ll explode with teenage desire and despair. That’s if she can fit in the theatre in the first place.
One day, hopefully, she’ll look back at this video with utter horror and think, why did I embarrass myself in front of the internets like a dribbling, blubbering snorlax? This’ll probably stay online until the sun explodes and then all our digital data will be transposed to the cosmos for all eternity. Ah well, we all make mistakes.
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In Hollywood’s tireless journey to systematically destroy everything you hold dear and sacred, they present to you the trailer for the Conan The Barbarian reboot. Shocking.
There’s no Arnie and it looks as polished and refined as a mummified turd covered in nail varnish. Why must they seek to destroy all that has meaning to us? Someone should make a mega-bucks, effects-laden movie about that.
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Daleks, more deadly than your mom & dad after you’ve thrown a party & trashed the house, the ultimate terror of the universe, but totally misunderstood!
Add to that they are crap at hitting on Doctor Who’s cute assistant, Rose Tyler. If you think about it they’re not a lot different than the average teenager. A total and complete pain in the ass!
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A long time ago, like in the 1980s or something, there was a trailer & it was used to advertise a film. This is the story of that trailer. Not really, this is a bunch of work shy film students trying to make a formulaic action trailer for the movie moguls of L.A.
Will they shake the very foundations of Hollywood? Or will they wish they hadn’t missed half their classes down the bar drinking cheap beer & discussing what you call a Whopper in Paris?
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