Cinema Sins take a look at the last X-Men movie ‘X-Men Apocalypse’ and by take a look they pick it apart listing 150 things wrong with it.
They do all this by starting at the very beginning with the film’s setting in Ancient Egypt and not letting up for the next 20 minutes.
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The last thing anyone wants while out on a date is for a crazy ex to turn up and start going nuts.
Which is why such a thing would make such a great prank, and that’s exactly what YouTuber HammyTV does, no doubt putting these women off going on Tinder dates ever again.
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Stephanie Potakis is the casting director at The Onion and she also hasn’t let meat pass her lips since fourth grade.
So as an exercise in integrity they take her to a steakhouse in Chicago and feed her ribeye and wagu beef—lets just say that by the end she’s not a vegetarian any more.
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If you’ve been watching Westworld then you’ve no doubt been enjoying the performances and intrigue as the robots are getting seemingly more rebellious and autonomous.
In this video Nerdwriter1 looks at the park’s co-founder Dr. Ford played by Anthony Hopkins, the actor uses all his acting chops to reveal a character who is at once vulnerable, kind, threatening, and whose motivations are still a mystery.
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Snuff Box was a British comedy from Matt Berry and Rich Fulcher (both met working on The Mighty Boosh) which aired on TV back in 2006—it’s humor was very dark, but very funny.
A taste of exactly what you might expect is this scene about a guy who recognizes someone he bumps into in a restaurant—just wait until you find out where he recognizes him from.
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Screen Junkies’ turn their latest honest trailer onto the breakout show for the star of Marvel’s upcoming Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch.
In their hilarious takedown they called the BBC detective show ‘Downton Crabby’ while poking fun at both Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. ‘Relive Benedict Cumberbatch’s first step toward playing literally everyone.’ they mock.
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We’ve all seen those lifestyle videos featuring people with seemingly perfect lives who show the rest of us how great they are at cooking, makeup, life in general.
Well this video featuring Australian comedian Natalie Tran skewers and spoofs those with a great sketch where Tran keeps interrupting her own monologues to camera to talk castigate her cheating boyfriend behind the camera.
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When you’re late for work it’s integral that you have a good excuse (or coffee and donuts) as your bolt through the door, sweating and stressed.
There are various routes this can take, and in this sketch by Foil Arms and Hog they detail the 11 different forms those excuses they can take.
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