In this ’social experiment’ brave and fearless YouTuber QPark takes a stroll through three different New York City neighborhoods, Washington Heights, Harlem, and Times Square, for 10 hours while wearing a romper.
These one piece playsuits for men are somewhat controversial, so QPark stepped out onto the streets to see if the hype was real. And, well, the romper certainly turned some heads and attracted some attention.
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When it comes to being a teacher, no doubt working with kids can be very rewarding, but probably quite frustrating too.
Because at times you probably just wanted to speak what’s on your mind, but can’t, because you’d get fired—in this hilarious sketch from Aussie comic Troy Kinne he says those things that teachers can’t.
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The world loves happy people it seems, there’s an entire industry built around it and it’s what everyone aspires to be.
But, the thing is when you’re happy no one gives a damn but when you’re miserable people want to know why. So CGP Grey has seven tips on how to be the opposite of happy, and maximize your misery.
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With the UK general election looming you’re probably undecided who to vote for. Theresa May seems to not want to win the election, with her lack of media appearances and general shitshow.
So it seems there’s everything to play for, but it’s a difficult decision to make and will affect your future for the next five years—so why not let a foreigner help you decide on who to elect?
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Captain Ska are the band behind the ‘Liar, Liar’ song that has climbed up the iTunes charts to reach no.2 where it’s currently at. The song features footage of speeches and news interviews of Theresa May, with a ska track sung over the top.
Its lyrics cover NHS, education, the snap election and poverty levels and it’s not exactly favorable about the Tories—which is why it’s doing so well.
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Unfortnately, even though we live in the 21st century some people still think we live on a flat earth, rather than a round one.
There’s not enough of the flat-earthers to have made too much of an impact, but the internet has allowed them to be heard and reach a bigger audience—which means, sadly, it’s necessary to have videos like this which detail using sciencific evidence, why we live on a round earth.
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Russell Howard had a very unusual request from a young fan called Deryn who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Being a huge fan of Howard, Deryn asked to meet the comedian.
And when he did he had a special request, that Howard attend his funeral but under one condition that Howard dress up as a giant penis. It sounds ridiculous but the whole crazy story is revealed in this video, and it has a happy ending too.
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When it comes to spoken languages in the world, English is one of the most common, but an American YouTuber wants people to speak another type of English.
And that’s Americanish, which is similar but also slightly different in that pavements are called sidewalks and pants are not underwear.
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