A dark comedy sketch by UK comedian and YouTuber Thomas Ridgewell (aka TomSka) features a young girl who finds a genie in a lamp.
She starts by trying to get more than the three wishes the genie is willing to grant, but then when she tries to outsmart him things take a dark turn.
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Video editor Huw Parkinson has created this brilliant mashup of Marvel’s Avengers and the madness that is the 2016 presidential election .
We see Captain Clinton and Iron Trump duke it out to decide who will prevail in Earth’s darkest hour—and it’s downright hilarious.
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Forget about adults teaching kids the facts of life, that’s no fun, instead kids teaching kids would be far more entertaining.
Which is proven in this segment from Jimmy Kimmel’s show which sees the comic’s team head out onto the streets and ask kids to explain how babies are made. The responses are hilarious.
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Load up the 4×4! And stuff that chill bag with nibbles and wine because it’s time to listen to Adam Buxton incredibly awesome “Festival Song.”
YEAH! So if you’re off to the Inoffensive Electronica Festival with the fam, make sure you give this a listen before heading out that door.
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Whether or not we’ve reached peak ‘Pokemon Go’ is up for debate, it certainly feels that way although it hasn’t even launched in the UK officially yet.
But one place it looks like it has got people’s attention is Hollywood, at least according to this mashup video anyway, which sees Pikachu, Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur and the rest in movie land—even Indiana Jones is trying to catch ‘em all.
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What with Brexit tearing the country apart what better time than now to have a look at merry olde England in this beginner’s guide by YouTuber exurb1a.
However if you’re looking for facts about the country you might have to look elsewhere, because this is instead a satirical history of England and its people.
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The news would be nothing without its bloopers—well it would be an impeccably run operation, but who wants that?
Instead we would much rather see live TV go wrong and all the hilarity that goes with it—here’s what 2016 has had to offer so far.
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Norwegian comedy group Pistol Shrimps ponder what it might be like if Professor Xavier’s school for mutants had open auditions.
So just like TV talent show contestants, mutants get to show why they think they deserve to be one of the X-Men. It results in some hilariously imagined mock superpowers.
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