It can be confusing to describe a balloon race across the internet. And that’s not because it’s a confusing game, it’s just because it’s a balloon race. Across the internet.
The race course that all the balloons fly through is made up of loads and loads of websites. Each website has the race course floating over the top of it. It’s very easy to play, so we recommend you get stuck in and enjoy!
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The internet is a scary place, for many reasons, it’s a playground where you decide what happens, who you play with, and who you want to play with you. The possibilities are seemingly endless and that’s where the nightmare of realization rears it’s ugly head – What the HELL would you do if it wasn’t there?
It doesn’t bear thinking about, it’s always gonna be there, right? Getting bigger, better and faster every day, with more wonders to behold….. But what, yes, WHAT the hell would you do if you didn’t have the chance to log-in and tune out?
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I spend a lot of time smurfing the net, sometimes too much time and in the past it has become a bit of a problem, not just for me, but for those close enough to call me ‘friend’.
I’ve been around the block enough times to recognise that at times i am surfing just a little bit too close to what some psychotherapists might term ‘addiction’, and if i wanted to choose to believe them, then i would probably think they were right?
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The interwebs, it’s here to say and it’s not something that once you find it can ever leave alone again.
It’s something we all casually use trawling for pr0n, poking our friends or looking for lolz. But just how many people use the web? How many emails were sent? How many of those were spam?
Gimme some stats godammit! I want stats!
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