If you saw a man abusing a woman in the street, would you feel obliged to step in and say something?
Now flip that round and if it was a woman abusing a man, would you feel more reluctant to take a stand? Don’t worry you’re not alone, as this video proves.
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Posted by: wesbo | 05.29.14 |
Videos |
Another superhero reboot that looks to be going down the emotional self pity route. First emo Spiderman, now emo Superman.
I’m hoping this trend ends before they do a reboot of the avengers where they’re all riddled with insecurity and self doubt. That would suck major ass.
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There’s been many an epic battle throughout history and this can sit proudly up there with the greats.
One man, one goose, one battle. But who will win this contest of man vs. nature? Well, you know the saying, the rolled-up newspaper is mightier than the beak.
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What did you do this Valentine’s day? Cry into your meal-for-one while watching Pretty Woman for the thousandth time? We all did.
While we were so ronnery Dwayne here had a date with a lady mail man, but things got awkward real quick.
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Monty Buggershop-Hooty, author of Cooking With A Top Hat and Wilderness Ponce, takes to the mean greenery of the British woodland to uncover the many wonders that lie there.
Like, for instance, the poo snake, that rare creature who slithers about the forests leaving trails of fecal matter. Delightful.
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The truth can sometimes be a surprise you’d rather not know. Although, it’s best this guy finds out earlier rather than later about the secret his date is hiding beneath that dress and under that make-up.
He maybe should of seen the warning signs, for instance be wary of women with big hands, and if they walk like they’re got a pair, then it probably means they got a pair.
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You must remember that episode of Bottom where they club the gas man to near death for trying to intrude upon their home and undertake such heinous crimes as trying to read their gas meter. HOW. VERY. DARE. HE.
It was one of the best episodes, subtly portraying the urban angst of living with Rick and Vyvyan from The Young Ones when they’re all grown up. But there was always one thing missing, why was there never a song made from splicing the episode together with some techno beats? Well now that feat has been achieved.
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Maybe the Karate guy from the last post has given up chopping and taken to playing the keyboard.
It sounds ridiculous and 80s enough – but I’m not too sure about those movements – and that miming?
Oh, and what are those Alien things in the background. Perhaps he should practice more with the Karate. Or lose the outfit altogether. Hm…decide for yourselves.
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